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The Award Ceremony of the 3rd NIT English Vocabulary Contest

Category:News|Publishing : December 6, 2013

On November 21, the 3rd NIT English Vocabulary Contest was held and the award ceremony for the contest winners was held on December 5. First place was taken by Meng Yuncheng (Computer Science, 1st year doctoral student), second place went to Richard Rodrigues de Toledo Junior (Computer Science, 1st year student), and third place went to Kenya Kani (Life and Materials Engineering, 1st year student). The prizes were awarded by the university vice-president, Professor Hiroyuki Ukai, who also gave a speech commending the winners and all the participants. The winner of the contest, Meng Yuncheng, said "A modern engineer needs not only technical knowledge, but also a proficiency in English." 


The photo shows from left to right, Rodrigues de Toledo Junior,
the university vice-president, Professor Ukai, the contest winner, Meng,
and the third place winner, Kani.

This contest is now in its third year and the level of interest both within and outside the university continues to rise. Science and engineering are becoming more and more international, and in order for students in Japan to compete in research and employment opportunities on a global scale, they need to be able to express themselves in English and to read academic research in English-language journals. We hope that the Contest can provide an impetus for students in Japan to move into the international arena in both their employment and research. 

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