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Home > Topics > Mr.Shun Okuhara,Professor Takayuki Ito, received Best Paper Award at Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019).

Mr.Shun Okuhara,Professor Takayuki Ito, received Best Paper Award at Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019).

Category:Award|Publishing : September 5, 2019

Award winner

Mr. Shun Okuhara
Professor Takayuki Ito


Best Paper Award
the 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019)

Award-winning research

A Negotiation Strategy based on Compromising Degree

190904Award(伊藤研_奥原)学生2_R.jpgA lot of studies including international competitions have been made on automated negotiating agents. basically, automated negotiating agents are adjusting a threshold to accept their opponents'offers. Because merely a threshold is adjusted, it is very difficult to show how and what the agent conceded even after an agreement has been reached. To address this issue, authors propose an explainable concession process using a constraint relaxation process.

Award winner's comments

I am honored to have received an honorable award.
I am very grateful for all this support from my supervisor Professor Takayuki Ito. This study is considered to help autonomous coordination in modern society where AI and intelligent agents are prosperous. I would like to make further efforts and engage in research while discussing with various people.



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