




ホーム > News&Topics一覧 > ニュース:危機管理対策本部ニュース4



危機管理対策本部長 学長 松井 信行

学生及び教職員 各位




  • 学生     e-mail:gakuseika@adm.nitech.ac.jp
  • 外国人留学生 e-mail:international@adm.nitech.ac.jp
  • 教職員    e-mail:influenza@adm.nitech.ac.jp







出張、私事渡航に関わらず、現時点において、上記の新型インフルエンザ蔓延国であるメキシコ、アメリカ合衆国(本土)、カナダから帰国した教職員は、帰国日を含む10日間を出勤停止(特別休暇扱い)とします。当該教職員はその間、自宅で経過観察をしてください。なお、メキシコ、アメリカ合衆国(本土)、カナダから帰国した非常勤講師についても、帰国日を含む10日間の授業を休講にするよう、世話教員から非常勤講師に連 絡すると同時に、補講等については世話教員と調整願います。該当する派遣職員については契約チームに大至急相談願います。


  • (1)海外渡航者で発熱等の異常を感じた者は、速やかに居住地域の保健所に電話で相談し、指示に従ってください。病院等にかかった場合は、下記の電話番号へ連絡(平日8:40~17:10)し、状況を報告してください。電話が繋がらない場合やその他の時間帯及び休日は、上記e-mailアドレスにより報告してください。
    • 学生  tel:052-735-5235 学生生活チーム
    • 留学生 tel:052-735-5074 同上
    • 教職員 tel:052-735-5014 人事チーム
  • (2)本対策の期限は5月末までとしますが、その後の状況により延長や措置の変更をする場合があります。また、蔓延国が拡大するなどにより、上記期限内であっても、措置を変更することもありうるので、今後もホームページ、学生及び職員ポータル掲示板に掲載される危機管理対策本部ニュースなどの情報にご注意願います。


-------------------English version----------------------------

FROM: Nobuyuki Matsui
Head of Crisis-Management Committee,
President, Nagoya Institute of Technology

TO: all members of NITECH

Based on the decisions made by the Crisis-Management Committee on May 12th, board of directors of NITECH will implement the following countermeasures against the current outbreak of swine flu (influenza A(H1N1)), starting May 13th. We greatly appreciate your understanding and strict adherence to the following measures.

1. Reporting the oversea travels:

If you return from ANY oversea trips, you are requested to report the following information to the school via e-mail as specified below.

  • ?Title your e-mail with "Report on oversea travels."
  • ?Information to include in the e-mail:
    • ?Your name
    • ?Your student number or your post name (if you are an employee)
    • ?Names of the country(s), region(s), etc that you visited
    • ?Purpose of the trip
    • ?Duration of the travel
    • ?Number of accompanying travelers
    • ?Description of your activities during the trip
    • ?Your contact information (cell phone number etc.)
    • ?Other information as needed
  • ?E-mail addresses:
    • ?If you are a domestic student, e-mail to: gakuseika@adm.nitech.ac.jp
    • ?If you are an international student, e-mail to: international@adm.nitech.ac.jp
    • ?If you are an employee,* e-mail to: influenza@adm.nitech.ac.jp

* "Employee" here includes part-time employees and people not directly hired by NITECH but actually working at NITECH

* If you are an employee and traveling overseas for private purposes, you are required to report to the e-mail address mentioned above prior to leaving for the trip. (This information is already posted on the portal site.)

2. Restrictions on entrance to the campus
(these restrictions apply to those who return from oversea trips on or after May 14th)

Any members of NITECH (students and staff members) returning from "countries with wide-spread cases of swine flu" (see below) are not allowed to enter the campus of NITECH for 10 days after returning from such countries (i.e. 10 days including the date of the return). Here, "the countries with the wide-spread cases of swine flu" refer to those designated by Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, and the following 3 countries are currently classified as such countries: Mexico, United States of America (continental United States only), and Canada. Please refer to the followings for specific cases.

(1) If you are a student:

While you are not allowed to enter the campus, please take a wait-and-see approach at your home. Classes that you miss during these 10 days will be made-up for by your teachers (the details to be determined by each teacher).

(2) If you are an employee of NITECH:

Whether the purpose of the trip was private or business, these 10 days will be treated as "special leaves". While you are not allowed to enter the campus, please take a wait-and-see approach at your home. If you are a part-time teacher, hosting teacher will be contacting you to arrange substitute classes.
If you are not directly hired by NITECH (i.e. "haken" workers), please contact Contract Team immediately.

3. Other remarks:

  • (1) If you have recently traveled overseas and have any symptoms of influenza, such as fever, consult with your local public health care center immediately, and follow their advices. If you see a doctor for such symptoms, contact us at the following numbers between 8:40 and 17:10 on weekdays. If you cannot reach us at the following numbers or need to contact us after the office hours, please contact us at the e-mails addresses mentioned above.
    • ?If you are a domestic student, contact us at: TEL 052-735-5235 (Student Life Division)
    • ?If you are an international student, contact us at: TEL 052-735-5074 (Student Life Division)
    • ?If you are an employee, contact us at: TEL 052-735-5014 (Personnel Division)
  • (2) This measure will be effective as of May 14th and remain effective until the end of May, with possibility of extension and revision. Especially, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare may add or delete a country to the list of "the countries with the wide-spread cases of swine flu." The most current information will be updated to NITECH's website and portal site.
